Friday, September 14, 2007

Suck It, Hollywood!

Even though she claims to hate Him – Jesus that is – these Hollywood types still can't make it without Him. Because let's face it, folks, without that blasphemous outburst, you'd never have heard of Kathy Griffin.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sean Hannity Exposes Planned Parent Hood Fraud in Aurora, IL

I find this clip shocking, and unbelievable. Killing babies is a big business and Sean Hannity exposes it. Watch how Planned Parent Hood decieved the city and setup a abortion supercenter outside of Chicago, Illinois

Author blasts 'purveyors of moral equivalence' for equating Christianity, Islam

On this sixth anniversary of 9/11, one of America's leading experts on Islam says he hopes his new book will convince Americans about the fallacy of equating Christianity and Islam.Robert Spencer's new book is called Religion of Peace? Why Christianity Is and Islam Isn't. The director of Jihad Watch says since that fateful day six years ago, the left has become increasingly vocal in its disgust for American Judeo-Christian values, and pushes the idea that all religions -- particularly Islam and Christianity -- are the same when it comes to violence and extremism.According to Spencer, a Muslim website -- -- documents more than 9,000 "Islamic terror attacks" and murders he says were perpetrated since September 11, 2001, in the name of Islam and justified by Islamic texts. He explains that the "left" compares that enormous figure to a few isolated incidents that were not necessarily perpetrated by Christians."People like Rosie O'Donnell -- mainstream media figures and purveyors of moral equivalence -- are essentially saying that over 9,000 terror attacks are equivalent to [Oklahoma City bomber] Timothy McVeigh, who wasn't actually a Christian at all, and to a few abortion clinic bombers, of which there have been less than a dozen," he asserts.Spencer points out that the abortion bombers were repudiated by mainstream Christian groups. "There's no Christian group that is at all mainstream that says that the abortion clinic bombings were justified or right according to Christianity," he notes. In contrast, says the author, there is a "widespread understanding" in Islam that it is part of the responsibility of Muslims to "wage war in order to subjugate non-Muslims."

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Thursday, September 06, 2007

Rudy McRomney Team Abandons Major Christian Debate to Ron Paul and 3rd Tier

If self-styled "values voters" have felt snubbed by the Republican presidential candidates this election season, that snubbing is now official. Mayor Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Mitt Romney, and Senator McCain are all declining to participate in a September 17 debate in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., that's being hosted by an umbrella social-conservative...

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