The Dirty Lies of Politicians
See below a series of emails about the Dr McVety & Garth Turner incident. Garth doesn't care about his constituents, but rather getting the media spotlight. I'm getting rather tired of it all.
Nov27, 2006
Dr Charles McVety said Garth Turner "fabricated" the "quote" for CP story.Canada Family Action Coalition president and Senior Director of Defend Marriage Coalition, Dr. Charles McVety is calling a quote attributed to him by MP Garth Turner "a figment of his imagination." The alleged statement, reported in a Canadian Press story November 26, was supposed to have been made during a televised debate between McVety and Turner. ( Host of the TV show Michael Coren says he has no recollection of that statement being made either.) According to the CP story, Turner related that McVety looked at him and said "You know what? I can pick up the phone and call Harper and I can get him in two minutes. It's going to take you a month." "I never made this statement" said McVety. "It's a complete fabrication by Mr. Turner from start to finish. It's really quite sad."
McVety also expressed surprise that a respected journalist and news service would see fit to publish quotes attributed to him without verifying their authenticity. "I've been interviewed by John Ward before as well as many of his colleagues at Canadian Press so they must have my cell phone number somewhere," said McVety. "It is unprofessional for a journalist to not have interviewed me before reporting Mr. Turner's yarn as fact. It seems a bit incautious."
Dr Charles McVety
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Coren
To: Robert A. Jason
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 6:19 PM
Subject: Re: Garth Turner "fabricated" Quote for CP story
Dear Robert,
This alleged incident was supposed to have taken pace on my television show. I can assure you that I have no memory of it at all. The CP reporter called me today and told me that Garth is now claiming that it took place during a commercial break and is thus not on the tape of the actual show. Interesting. Again, I have no memory of this whatsoever and if it had been said I would have been all over it as soon as the show came back on air. In other words, as far as I am concerned it never happened.
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