Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Liberals Going After Fox Advertisers
Liberals are afraid of debate, so they attempt to villify anyone that has an opposing view point. Have a read on this article about how Liberals are organizing telephone campaigns to advertisers who advertise on Fox News.
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Posted by
Scott V
3:24 PM
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Freedom-snatching Commie-Commissions
Thought police and the internet. In Canada, the federal human rights commission is investigating a conservative discussion website, freedominion.ca , for allegedly spreading hate speech. The Canadian Human Rights Commission reportedly has a staggering 100% accusation/conviction rate.
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Posted by
Scott V
1:20 PM
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Criticizing Islam is now Hate Speech!
Freedom of Speech appears to no longer apply to Christians in Canada. Criticizing Islam will land you in front of a Human Rights tribunal, and subject to fines or jail time. Freedominion.ca which is an open discussion forum that discusses conservativism recieved a letter from the Ontario human rights commission on July 16, 2007 because Bill Whatcott a frequent poster to the site critized Muslims for not doing enough to curb extremism. See the post for yourself. He begins with some disturbing images, discusses how Mulims are not doing enough to curb extremism, and puts forward fact that explains how they are not a religion of peace and then ends off his post with saying that the truth is only found in Jesus Christ. See the original post link and you will see for yourself. (warning the images are graphic )
Political correctness is a disease and it is slowly destroying our nation. These Human rights commissions have to be challenged. We can no longer stand back and watch, if we don't get involved our freedoms will continue to diminish. As a Christian ask yourself; how will Christians be able to fulfill their mandate of spreading the gospel if we are constantly silenced? How are we to be effective in our culture if we cannot even criticize some of the greatest evils of our time?
I am concerned for our nation. For updates on the situation please log onto the posting at freedominion.ca
Posted by
Scott V
9:08 AM
Labels: Free Speech, Islam, Political Correctness
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Michael Moores next film to trash Christians and promote sodomy
Controversial filmmaker Michael Moore has revealed that he might take on homophobia and the anti-gay movement in his next documentary. Moore, who most recently created a film about the disarray of the US health care system expresses anger towards the religious right and says “There is nowhere in the four Gospels where Jesus uses the word ‘homosexual.’ The right wing has appropriated this guy … and they have used him to attack gays and lesbians, when he never said a single word against people who are homosexual. Anyone who professes to be a Christian and does that is certainly not following the teachings of Jesus Christ.”
Michael Moore, please continue reading your bible, and in the book of Romans chapter one you will find in verse 26 the following about what the Bible says about homosexuality. Its pretty clear to me.
"Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. "
Look out, the culture war is about to go mainstream. For more, please read:
Posted by
Scott V
8:37 PM
Labels: Culture War, Media Bias, Same Sex Marriage
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Ayaan Hirsi Ali speaks to Avi Lewis on the CBC
The CBC tries to marginalize this true hero! According to Avi Lewis America is the great evil... yikes, I can't believe my tax dollars pay for this stuff. I do admire Ayaan Hirsi Ali for her stance for democracy. This coming from a background where she has been subjected to tyranical islamic law. Watch this segment.
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Original story was found by Hotair.com - read http://hotair.com/archives/2007/07/13/video-cartoonishly-anti-american-canadian-interviews-ayaan-hirsi-ali/
Posted by
Scott V
2:02 PM
Thursday, July 12, 2007
With 'universal' health care, we all wait
As the primaries loom closer, we can expect the Democratic presidential hopefuls to start singing their usual sanctimonious song about the health care system...taking their cue from Michael Moore, they'll be singing the praises of Canada's health care system. But I'm here to tell you their song sheet has some serious omissions.
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Posted by
Scott V
5:16 PM
Michael Moore Is a Sicko
Biased, unfair, hateful, venomous and anti-free-market is how I would describe Michael Moore’s latest propaganda film Sicko. When I first heard about Michael Moore’s intention to make a film on health-care in America, I was expecting a sequel for Supersize Me, considering his not so healthy lifestyle...
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Posted by
Scott V
4:56 PM