Monday, June 25, 2007

Anglican bishops shoot down same-sex marriage blessings

A razor-thin majority of Canada's Anglican bishops on Sunday overrode the wishes of their laity and clergy and vetoed a resolution that would have allowed for blessings in church settings of committed homosexual unions.

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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Barack Obama: Faith Has Been Hijacked

Sen. Barack Obama told a church convention yesterday that some right-wing evangelical leaders have exploited and politicized religious beliefs in an effort to sow division.

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Friday, June 22, 2007

NY State Assembly Passes Gay Marriage Bill

The State Assembly voted in favor of allowing same-sex marriages in New York. Newsday said it was the first time a gay marriage bill was "debated publicly in one of the houses of the State Legislature Tuesday.

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The tragedy of Anglo-Saxon self-hatred

It is about multiculturalism and immigration, illegal and legal. It also is about the death of Anglo-Saxon North America.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Abolishing Abortion and a Spiritual Revival in Canada?

Here is an email I recieved from a fellow activist Suzanne F. I encourage all my readers to signup and make your voices heard. The CBC has launched a promotion called "The Great Canadian Wish List" on Facebook, the social networking site. The goal is to get people to suggest and vote on wishes, and the wish with the most votes gets coverage on the CBC on Canada Day.

My only question is, how will the CBC truly report the votes? How will the CBC frame this? It is clear that people want change in this country. I will find it particularly interesting due to the fact that CBC reports and comments on the news from very left wing bios slant. With that said, place your vote and lets see what happens!

Now.. read what Suzanne has to say...

Dear Friend,

As you may have heard, the CBC is holding a contest called The Great Canadian Wish List on Facebook, the social networking site. The goal is to get people to suggest and vote on wishes, and the wish with the most votes gets coverage on the CBC on Canada Day.

So far, this contest has brought some attention to the pro-life cause, so it has been very worthwhile. Besides bringing attention to the several thousand participants, our wish was mentioned in The Globe and Mail (twice), Macleans and was the subject of a segment on the CBC local news in Ontario , Manitoba and The Maritimes.

The pro-lifers are winning by a margin of 2 to 1 right now, and there is much gnashing of teeth by the poor-choicers over this.


Right now, the wish "I wish that Canada would remain pro-choice" is #3 with 1300 votes. The #2 wish is "For a spiritual revival in our nation" has 1339 votes. The poor-choicers came within 10 votes of getting the number 2 spot.

We do not want the poor-choicers to capture the second spot.

The #4 wish is "Restore the Traditional Definition of Marriage".

We want to bump up the two social conservative ones.

SO.... to that end, I would like for you to vote for the two good ones. You may vote on more than one wish in this contest.
If you have not registered on Facebook, you can do so here;

First you must join The Great Canadian Wish List group. Click on the URL and then click "join group":

Then you must for a Spiritual Revival-- here's the main thing to remember *** DO *NOT* CREATE A NEW WISH ***-- Make sure you come back to this email and click on this URL:

THEN you MUST click on "Add Support".

After that, you must click on "Restore the Traditional Definition of Marriage"-- same process, click on URL, click on "Add Support":

If you have not already voted for "Abolish Abortion", you may do so here:

We are nearing 3000 votes for that wish, but we have to keep a strong lead in case the poor-choicers rally.

Please forward this message to as many of your social conservative contacts as possible. We want to have a strong finish. So far the CBC has been honourable in showing the "Abolish Abortion" wish. If their segment was predictive of things to come, we can expect more coverage on Canada Day.

If you are concerned about your privacy, you can click on the privacy settings on the top right and then edit all the settings. You can also deactivate your account after Canada Day (although it has been very useful for me as a social conservative activist...look at the results of this contest!)

Thank you for your co-operation and God Bless.



Monday, June 11, 2007

Are you controversial? By Jonathan Falwell

Jonathan writes, "in this modern culture that largely encourages secularism and hazy diversity, you really cannot be an effective Christian without being controversial. ... If we embrace the Word of God and its standards for Christian conduct, we are going to unavoidably find ourselves at odds with the mainstream."

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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

John Ibbotson Villifies Christian at an Energy Conference?

I had recently attended an Energy conference supported by the Ontario Electricity Distributors Association in Niagara on the Lake yesterday। I attended the event with my business partner to network, and meet and greet the leaders of the Electricity Market. I learned that John Ibbitson was going to speak on Creating Stability in Regulated Industry। John Ibbotson is a popular columnist for the Globe and Mail and I must admit that I am not a big fan of John Ibbitson for his politics and the simple reason that he continues to target Christians involved in politics as bigots, racists and homophobes any chance he gets. So I thought to myself, how can he possibly target Christians at this event after all Christians believe that we are to be stewards of the earth we live in.

I was pleasantly surprised by his thoughts. He presented many good ideas about how the US and Canada will work together through the Security, Prosperity and Partnership agreement and how regulatory requirements will more than likey harmonize in wake of this agreement. He discussed emissions trading in North America and brought to our attention how companies are investing in climate change both out of fear and greed. But somehow he ended off his speech vilifying Christians and that he is happy that there will be a shift in Christian Fundamentalism in the US. Christians care less about Gay Marriage and abortion and more about poverty and Global Warming. He had also stated that the passing of Jerry Falwell is probably a good thing and America can move along and stop being bigotted, homophobic and in tune with the real issues of the day.

No matter what the topics, liberals always find a way to vilify or marginalize Christians and the religous right. I know for certain that we have a soverign Lord that has dominion over all the heavens and the earth. So this message is for John Ibbitson, Christian beliefs are not a passing trend. Christian truth has weathered all cultural storms including the most vicious attacks from Nero in Rome, to Hitler & Stalin in Europe to todays hatred of the Christian truth by the elite liberal media, and governments. I know for certain that the Culture wars are just getting started.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Left Wing vs Right Wing Media

Excellent Podcast from Tristan Emmanuel on being fair and balanced on the media.

No Apologies Is The BalanceFriday, June 1, 2007

The Canadian media culture is one big boring leftwing monologue. Oh, I know there are exceptions - but they are few and far between and, for the most part, they have to be very guarded in what they say, and certainly can't be provocative. Canadian media operates under the bizarre view that "fairness" and "balance" are the key guiding principles of ethical journalism - setting us apart, of course, from Fox News and those hard right fanatics in America's talk-radio milieu. Forget about the strident arrogance of such a view: the real problem with this attitude is that most of Canada's media elites actually believe they're own façade - that they are "fair" and "balanced" - even though everyone knows that what passes for "news" in mainstream media is anything but "fair" and "balanced". Fairness in our media culture basically means that, for every minute a "conservative" speaks on radio or TV, the left gets at least ten minutes of "balance" to rebut them - and the conservative view is often just mentioned in order to editorialize about how extreme it is and how the author of the opinion should apologize. This broadcast climate didn't just appear by accident. The heavy hand of bureaucratic management in the name of the Canadian Radio-Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) had a lot to do with cultivating it. The CRTC regulates radio and telecommunications in Canada. It is the gate-keeper of all things Canadian and one of its primary functions is to ensure that radio and TV stations carry a sufficient percentage of Canadian content ("Cancon"). On one level, "Cancon" sounds really good. I mean what's wrong with promoting the material of your own citizens? We won't even get into the question of whether it is even in the public interest to have a government agency get involved in what ostensibly is a free market enterprise; the real problem with "Cancon" is that it is simply a front for leftwing content. I mean, think about it: if "Cancon" really is what it claims to be then No Apologies should pass the grade no problems. No Apologies is written by Canadians. Produced by Canadians. Presented and distributed by Canadians. And yes, to the chagrin of my critics, I am...Canadian. But would the CRTC sit idly by if a radio station started to broadcast our program? The CRTC is pathologically bent towards the left. And that is why, whether it's the CBC, CTV, Global or TVO, if it's not left, lefter and leftist, if it doesn't fit into their politically correct purview, if it doesn't give credence to multi-culturalism, then it simply does not fit "Cancon" requirements - by the way this is what the CRTC calls "Communication in the public interest". An entire constituency of Canadians who are proud and patriotic, but are not philosophically bent towards the left, are being sold a load of... you know what. And to make matters worse, they have been subsidizing this reengineering with tax dollars while being frozen out of the media establishment. Communications in the public interest means, at the very least, that Canadians who still hold to Judeo-Christian traditions and believe that conservative principles and values deserve wide public airing on radio and TV should have a media outlet too. If the CRTC is truly interested in "balance," then it's about time they added one or two hundred conservative programs to the roster - but we'll settle for one at a time, starting with No

Apologies. No Apologies is unapologetic social conservative talk radio. We...are the balance.

Yours for our culture,
Tristan Emmanuel
ECP Centre President

Check out his podcast at